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Rammed Earth Begins

Many contributed to get the Boden-Haus to its current state: the ramming is almost half-complete.  While I intended to use this rainy day to describe the rammed earth portion of the Boden-Haus, who contributed and how they contributed, this will not happen today because the rain has stopped.  But, before returning to ramming earth, I will post some pictures of the current state of the Boden-Haus.  I look forward to sharing the many things I've learned about rammed earth and descriptions of those who helped.

These are all thumbnails, so feel free to click on them for larger images.



Reader Comments (9)

It's beautiful. I want to live in it. I love, love, love it, and that red dirt is phenomenal. I keep clicking on the pictures. Is that the full height of it, or does it get another layer? New look on the website looks great too. Very professional. Much cleaner.

August 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArthur

Aaron, it's looking magnificent!! The color of the rammed earth bricks (are these made of bricks?) is striking and is different from what I had imagined, as well as the sharp rectangular shape. I like the contrast of the sharp shape and the roundness of the stones used in the foundation. I also found a Japanese face inscribed on the right side where everyone wrote their name so was excited.
It was so nice to see this after busy days of work, and to take a moment to think about the big sky in the US and you and friends working on the building under the big sky.
Also, it was much easier for my computer to see the photos this way.
Next time, please put a photo of you, too!
pasta la pasta

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteryoko

Everyone here loves seeing the progress of your small "haus"! We loved the rainbow that brightened our day! You and the project are awesome!

Much love from the Ohio Akron U gang!

August 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKatie & co-workers

aaron- this is incredible! i just now caught up on your blog and I'm simply amazed. I also love the light you took the pictures in and the golden red hue of the earth.
You are looking like a very healthy and agile boy, or young man, or just man, if that's what you like. Wish I could visit those beautiful dark hills in the distance.
congratulations on it all,


August 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterericanns

The colors are awesome! The bodenhaus is looking great....good luck with the rest :-) - Sahal

August 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSahal

I must say that the progress on the "bake" house is awesome!
Have you purchased the goats to keep the grass on the yet to be installed roof?
I second or third the request for more photos of the "builder".
I keep passing your site on to people I meet who share an interest in the things you do. I hope they get in touch.

God loves you and so do I


August 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDad

thank you for this beautiful project. we plan on building the first pise' eco-san toilet in a remote area of east rwanda in february. i too have read many books on this process; your comments are more helpful than most. your painful discoveries and beautiful pics will help us introduce a better way of building that is well-suited to the soils and the low-tech limitations of africa's poorest. our rwandan friends will get the idea immediately when i show them boden haus pics. by "coincidence" their soil is the same red color. blessings!

November 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbruce

Great blog! I am also in East TN and hope to start a rammed earth project soon. How does one contact you Mr. Hauser?

December 5, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDaniel Talley

Thank you for a great blog. We are in the process of building a rammed earth house in Nepal, and are having problems with the formwork, especially the corner ones. Can you please post some pictures of formwork for corner -- the outer section? The pipes for the tie rod -- did you take them out later?

March 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHemendra

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